Global Remote Work Index 2023: the key insights

Remote work is reshaping the business landscape, and the Global Remote Work Index 2023 is at the forefront of understanding this transformation. By dissecting crucial elements such as digital infrastructure, social safeguards, economic stability, and cyber safety, we illuminate the terrain of remote work today. Discover where to find the best opportunities and choose the ideal destination for your next work-from-anywhere adventure.



The top 5

Top country of GRWI - Denmark


Denmark leads the GRWI 2023 (1st), excelling in digital and physical infrastructure (4th) and social safety (6th). Despite a high cost of living (94th) and pricey internet (42nd), Denmark thrives in social inclusiveness (6th), internet quality (7th), e-infrastructure (7th), e-government (5th), and healthcare (3rd), making it a prime location for remote work. 

Top country of GRWI - Netherlands

The Netherlands

The Netherlands, second on the GRWI, shines in social safety (2nd), reflecting the substantial personal rights (3rd) and inclusive culture (6th). High ranking in digital and physical infrastructure (8th), economic safety (11th), and cyber safety (17th) confirms its strong standing in these domains. 

Top country of GRWI - Germany


Germany, the European economic giant, is third in the GRWI. It stands out in cyber safety (4th), particularly in legal measures (1st), and economic safety (6th), notably in tourism attractiveness (2nd). Despite lower ranks in overall safety (33rd) and digital and physical infrastructure (22nd), its affordability in internet service (1st) balances the score. 

Top country of GRWI - Spain


Spain, ranking fourth in the GRWI, is the top Southern European entry this year. Beyond its warm climate, Spain earns its rank with strong performances in cyber safety (11th), economic safety (9th), digital and physical infrastructure (13th), and social safety (16th). It offers an appealing blend of remote work and leisure. 

Top country of GRWI - Sweden


Sweden holds the 5th spot in the GRWI, showing strength in various fields but room for improvement in others. Performing well in cyber safety (21st), the country has comprehensive laws covering various areas of this aspect. Economic Safety (7th) stands out, but high living costs (79th) are a concern. Sweden remains a solid contender in the rankings with solid digital and physical infrastructure (9th) and robust but challenged social safety (15th).


Category-based insights

Cyber safety

Cybersecurity category insights

In the cyber safety ranking, Saudi Arabia makes an impressive mark at 5th place, alongside a lineup primarily of European countries. The exception is Morocco in the 19th. The top 5 positions in cyber safety are nearly indistinguishable, showcasing Saudi Arabia as one of the world's safest locations for cybersecurity. Yet, European nations such as Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, and the Netherlands outpace Saudi Arabia in cybercrime response, a specific aspect of the cyber safety dimension. 

Economic safety

Economic safety category insights

The top 5 countries in economic safety are primarily English-speaking, non-EU nations such as the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries are noteworthy for their strong cybersecurity measures and high-quality healthcare systems. Paradoxically, despite being popular tourist destinations, they tend to have relatively lower ratings in the general safety sub-dimension. Completing the top 10 in the economic safety dimension are European countries, namely Germany, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, and Malta.

Digital & physical infrastructure

Digital and physical infrastructure category insights

Leading the way in the digital and physical infrastructure category are Singapore, South Korea, and UAE, all situated in Asia. Europe and North America are close contenders, with high internet quality rankings. Although they are overall frontrunners, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Spain demonstrate weaknesses in internet affordability, a subsection of digital and physical infrastructure, with rankings of 42nd, 26th, and 37th, respectively. 

Social safety

Social safety category insights

Within the social safety top 20, Japan (10th), South Korea (12th), and New Zealand (14th) are the sole non-European representatives, with the majority being Nordic and European countries. While Saudi Arabia's cyber safety ranking is high (5th), it falls sharply in social safety to 105th, ranking near Uganda (106th), Bangladesh (107th), and Angola (108th). In the inclusiveness sub-category, some countries in the overall GRWI top 10 perform only moderately—Spain is 20th, Lithuania 22nd, and Estonia 27th.


A deeper dive: breakdown by region and key factors

Key factors of GRWI - European dominance

European dominance 

Europe’s northern regions lead in the top 10 GRWI 2023 rankings, with Germany, Spain, and Portugal in the 3rd, 4th, and 6th spots. Furthermore, most of the top half consists of European nations, except for Montenegro (74th) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (83rd).

Key factors of GRWI - Cost vs rank

Cost vs rank

The top-ranked countries in the overall GRWI tend to be more expensive to live in. Yet, Portugal has the smallest distance between these dimensions, ranking 6th overall and 56th in cost of living, offering the best value-for-money opportunity among the top 10 overall.

Key factors of GRWI - Best predictors

Best predictors 

The correlation between cyber safety and social safety dimensions, as unveiled by the GRWI ranking, unequivocally establishes them as the paramount predictors of an exceptional remote work experience.

Key factors of GRWI - African leadership

African leadership 

Morocco leads African countries at 48th overall, particularly standing out in terms of cyber safety and affordable living expenses. Despite lagging in digital and physical infrastructure, its appeal to tourists and low cost of living makes it an attractive option. 

Key factors of GRWI - Asian front-runners

Asian front-runners 

South Korea (17th), Japan (22nd), and Singapore (28th) emerge as clear leaders in Asia within the GRWI ranking, boasting remarkable digital infrastructure, tourism, and e-governance. Yet, the region’s giant China follows at 39th position. 


North America's performance

Canada and the USA hold strong positions, ranking 14th and 16th, while Mexico lags at 62nd. Despite disparities, all three share strong cybersecurity legal measures and appeal to tourists, with Mexico being notably more affordable.

Key factors of GRWI - Central America's leader

Central America’s leader 

Costa Rica leads Central America, ranking 54th overall, with strong cyber safety response capacity (17th), tourist attractiveness (11th), healthcare (19th), and inclusiveness (16th) forming its highlights. 

Key factors of GRWI - South American best

South American best

Uruguay reigns as the top-ranked South American nation (43rd), distinguished by its inclusiveness and personal rights. Unsurprisingly, all South American region is marked by generally high rankings in tourist attractiveness. 

Key factors of GRWI - Notable shifts

Notable shifts 

While European nations maintained their top spots, Singapore, the USA, and South Korea saw declines in rankings. Canada's slight drop contrasts with the overall strengthening trend in Europe.

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